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17 Days Tsum Valley Trek

Tsum valley is located in the Northen parts of Nepal and East of Mansalu ,on the border of Tibet. The […]

USD 1465 -USD 1850

  • trip code

    WT-CODE 834

  • group-size

    2 pax person

  • duration

    17 days/16 nights

Tsum valley is located in the Northen parts of Nepal and East of Mansalu ,on the border of Tibet. The meaning of Tsum is “vivid” home to the direct descendant Tibetan people known as Tsumbas.It was opened officially to the Trekker in 2008. The local people are mostly of Tibetan origin and speak unique regional language. The peoples in this region are mostly Buddhist.So that ,Tibetan Buddhist monasteries are waiting to be explored. Each day you have to walk between 5–8 hours, with the high point of the trek being 4,000m above the largest of the monasteries in the valley, Mu Gompa. The valley is extensively rich in cultural and tradition lives with Buddhist monasteries, nunneries, chortens and prayer walls and significant religious monuments, the longest mani walls at Dzong , Phurpe, Rachen Gompa, Mu Gompa, Gompa Lungdang are great attractions . Beside that the Tsum Valley is uniquely rich in wildlife, especially the Himalayan Thar and Blue Sheep which congregates in herds of 50 to 200. During this trek you will be accommodated in lodges and traditional ‘home stays rather than in tents. Tsum Valley is much undeveloped but with its unique culture and most hospitable people offers us friendly welcome in traditional way to their home and can expect to eat similar food to the locals (Dal Bhat, Chapatis, noodle soup). If you cannot adjust with such food and accommodation, then this trek is probably not the one for you. The restricted permits of Tsum valley is cheap compare to other restricted areas and even cheaper than its sister trekking trail Manaslu Trekking trail.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu

    On arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport you will be met at the airport by our representative who will be waiting with a Miteri Nepal International Trekking Pvt.Ltd  sign outside the terminal and transfer to Hotel by private transportation according to group size. Overnight at hotel.

  • Day 2: Full Day Kathmandu Valley  Sightseeing

    After breakfast in the hotel, we will process for the valley sightseeing of world heritage sides such as  Swayambhunath Stupa, which is very close form the centre of Kathmandu. This temple is also known as Monkey Temple because lots of monkeys are find in this temple areas. Beside that it is considered to be self made Stupa. After that we, will drive towards Boudhanath Stupa: the biggest stupa in Nepal and one of the bigger stupa in the world. You can basically experience Tibetan Buddhism, culture and way of life in Boudhanath Area. Boudhanath area is the authentic place to buy Tibetan stuffs.  Later we will visit Pashupatinath Temple  which  is one of the most sacred temples in the entire Hindu world. It is a sacred place where Hindus come to die and to be cremated. The temple of Pashupatinath is a large double roofed, gilt pagoda, decorated with brass, the gateway is plated with silver. There are images of Shiva along with other statues, shrines and temples dedicated to other deities in the complex. A circuit of the Pashupati area takes visitors past a sixth-century statue of the Buddha, an eight-century statue of Brahma the creator and numerous other temples. There are rows of Shiva shrines and Hindu pilgrims from all over south Asia offering ceremonies to worship Shiva, the Lord of Destruction. Stay overnight at Hotel in Kathmandu.

  • Day 3:  Kathmandu – Arughat ( 570m,5-6hrs),

    After the breakfast in the hotel we will either drive by bus or by our private vehicles according to your itinerary up to Gorkha  . Then we will drive by private Jeep upto Arughat (600m),  Arughat is a pleasant market town of that region  which is divided  into two parts by Budi Ghandaki ,then we will  cross the suspension bridge and overnight at Lodge in Arughat .

  • Day 4: Arughat – Lapubesi( 880m,6-7hrs),

    Today as usual after the breakfast  we will trek through Gurung and Magar villages. This area are hot and humid so weat, rice, maize and millet are the main crops of this region . Then climb on stairs as the valley becomes wilder, prettier , narrower and descend to Soti Khola (710m). Trek on through shady Sal forests then climb up and down for some time an exposed track blasted from the cliff and views way below of wild rapids, eventually dropping to the Gurung Labubesi (880m). Stay overnight at Lodge in Labubesi .

  • Day 5: Lapubesi- Khorlabesi (970m ,5-6hrs)

    Our trek continue climbing  up sometimes and at other times down on the gravel ridge, passing through Machha Khola (930m) where there is a small lodge. Again, continue on the same side of the Budi  Gandaki, up and down  across sandy river flats. Large Gurung villages are way above while the track passes few houses, like lower Khorlabesi (960m) which was largely destroyed by a huge rock slip about two decades  ago. A survivor has built a botanic garden and nice lodge from which he sells his organic coffee. Overnight at Lodge in Khorebesi .

  • Day 6: Khorlabesi -Jagat (1,370m ,5-6hrs)

    Our trial continue up and down over a couple of ridges to Tatopani (930m; ‘hot water’) where there are hot water spouts  under the sheer cliffs that provide a delightful evening shower.  Later , cross the Buri Gandaki on a unsound suspension bridge, climb on well made marble stairs in the narrow valley for some time  through Doban (1000m). Shyaule Bhatti 1hr later has large rock with views where you can take tea and look at the wild gorges ahead. Just past Yaru, cross to the left bank and enjoy easy up and down to Jagat (1,410m), a neatly Flag stoned Gurung village . There you can find the permits of MCAP check point where you have to show your permits .  Potato, maize, and beans are the important source food of this area  . Walk up the riverbed then climb over a rocky ridge to Salleri (1440m) with views of Sringi Himal (7187m). Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 7: Jagat – Lokpa 2240m (5-6hrs)

    Morning descend to Sirdibas , where there is said to be a lodge. You’ll see your first signs of Buddhist culture here. Continue up-river on the left bank, up and down before crossing Nepal’s longest suspension bridge to the east bank and a tiring climb up to prosperous Philim (1,590m) surrounded by rich fields of maize, potato and millet.After 1hr climbing enter the increasingly misnamed Ekle Bhatti (1600m; ‘lone teashop’) with at least six bhatti, then traverse high above a spectacular gorge, entering a largely uninhabited area of pine trees. Eventually drop to a trail junction going left to Ghap and right to the Tsum Valley. Climb on a well-graded but exposed track through pines and rhododendrons, looking down on the other trail across the river. If the slopes here have recently had their annual burn there is a real risk of stone fall from the cliffs above, especially if there are goats grazing. Climb on zigzag steps, increasingly exposed, and gain your first glimpses of the narrow lower Tsum Valley, very steep across the Shiar Khola which drains from the very top of the valley. Across the Buri Gandaki is Himalchuli (7893m) above steep cliffs. Walk through a largely intact and peaceful temperate forest into Lokpa (2240m), surrounded by barley fields, where there is a comfortable lodge. Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 8: Lokpa -Chhokangparo (3,030m ,6-7hrs)

    Today the trial descend through beautiful forest, crossing three side streams  .On the way we will rind the pine and Rhodondern forest .After few minutes, the hidden valley of Tsum extend lure ahead. Eventually, descend to alone bhatti Ghumlong (2130m) on the river. The path straight ahead climbs steeply to Ripchet (2470m) in about 1hr; the path to Chumling (2360m) .Crosses the Shiar Khola on a wooden bridge . Make sure you climb up to Chumling and check out the old gompa, the traditional houses, orchards, clinic and beautiful stone streets. This is Buddhist agriculture, with conical pine needle haystacks among the 4 prayer flags. From here on trails are lined with artistic chortens and mani walls made of thousands of stone slabs carved with deities and prayers. After crossing the suspension bridge you will find classic Tibetan houses  with bar of firewood on the roof, but without flat roofs as it rains and snows here. Cross a huge slip where rocks and flood cleared the area even up onto the opposite bank.,. Up the valley to the east are superb views of the 7000m Ganesh Himal, of long suspension bridges on the opposite bank, and far above the perched village of Ripchet (2468m). Cross the Serpu Khola and climb for 2.5hrs on well-graded but exposed track to upper Tsum and the large village of Chhokangparo (3010m), stone houses nestled under cliffs without a single iron roof. The valley opens here into beautiful fields of barley, maize, buckwheat and potato. If the weather  is clear Himalchuli (7893m) can be seen down valley. Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 9: Chhokangparo – Nile (3,360m,4-5hrs)

    Most of the people can climb to 2800m without getting altitude but  better to be careful of altitude problems. Watch for signs of altitude sickness and be prepared to rest or retreat if they emerge. Take time to explore the joined villages of Chhokang and Paro and climb north to a retreat where Lama Kongchog died after 26 years of meditation. His child reincarnation, found in the village, was subject of the award-winning DVD Unmistaken Child (available in Kathmandu)Walk past Lamagaon crossing rope suspension bridge to the Rachen Gompa, which is also well known as Nunnery Gompa . Climb up and visit Milarepa’s Cave (Piren Phu), where the bringer of Buddhism to Tibet is reputed to have meditated. The cave is being extensively restored.Cross the Shiar Khola and continue walking through the well managed villages Lar (micro hydro power), Phurbe and Pangdun. Leaving old historic Stupa of Bhudda in a way crossing the village of Chhule, climb upstream and cross the bridge to finally arrive at Nile(3361m.Both villages are in traditional style with inclusion of livestock compounds into the houses and sheltered verandahs for drying crops. Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 10:  Nile – Mu Gompa 3700m – Chhokangparo 3030m (6-7hrs)

    We are now almost close to the Tibetan border. Walk to the west bank of the valley enjoying sunrise on the narrowing valley walls, yaks being put to pasture and a day with just a light pack  through the Tibetan landscapes.The final climb up to the large Mu Gompa (3700m) is through dry Tibetan country, with rows of chortens and widening mountain panaroma .This is a large monastery with over 100 monks and an ancient gompa visited by David Snellgrove (Himalayan Pilgrimage) in 1956. If time permits you can also visit Dhephyudoma Gompa (4000m) further west on an obvious track.. Some people climb to Kalung (3820m). Making a daytrip to the passes for a view into Tibet. There are extensive seasonal yak pastures in all directions, the Lungdang Glacier to the east and high peaks in all directions. Return down valley through Chhule, collect your rucksack and continue down as far as Phurbe, but stay on the east bank of the Shiar Khola and cross flat boulder-covered plains to Rachen Gompa (3240m), where it is possible to inspect the ancient gompa if you want. The older part of the nunnery is more interesting. Families in the Tsum usually have at least one family member as either a monk or a nun. Continue south until a bridge crosses to the west bank then descend again to Chhokangparo. Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 11: Chhokangparo -Gumba Lungdang (3200m,5-6hrs)

    Drop below Chhokangparo on the previous trail for about 2hrs, until a small gompa is reached at Gho (2485m). Descend on a narrow trail to the left through the village and drop to a wooden bridge over the Shiar Khola. Cross the bridge to Dhumje (2440m) which has a Tibetan herbal medicine clinic and school. The track onwards climbs just behind the clinic. Climb very steeply on an indistinct track through pines and rhododendrons until the track starts traversing at a mani wall with prayer flags. The track is exposed and narrow. Finally, in the pine forest, take an uphill trail and make a steep zigzag climb through huge silver pines to reach Gumba Lungdang (3200m), perched on a ridge with small cells for the nuns through the beautiful rhododendrons above. This small gompa with 40 nuns has an intense and engrossing puja every night. The mountain views in all directions are amazing. Stay overnight at Monastery.

  • Day 12: Gumba Lungdang – Ganesh Himal Base Camp (4500m,7-8hrs)

    Your guide will be required for this trip since the track is poorly marked. Cross the Laudang Khola to the west bank on a unsteady wooden bridge and climb steeply through fresh pines and rhododendrons on a ridge. There is a hut in a kharka about halfway up, with the track continuing behind it, then up a birch-lined dry creek bed and eventually you emerge into grassy flats behind the lateral moraine of the Toro Gompa glacier. Continue climbing past seasonal yak huts and you will find a track on the moraine wall that gives superb views of t mountains. It takes about 4hrs to reach the Ganesh Himal Base Camp (4,200m). The map shows another base camp on the east side of the glacier, but there appears to be no obvious track between them, so return to Gumba Lungdang in time for the evening puja by retracing your steps. Altitude can make this day difficult for some, but the intact forest wilderness and views make it an outstanding trip. Stay overnight at Monastery.

  • Day 13:  Gumba Lungdang -Lokpa 2240m (7-8hrs)

    The day  can be a taxing day so start early. Descend from Gumba Lungdang by the upward track.  In Dumje,  cross the Laudang Khola and stay on the south bank of the Shiar Khola . Climb over some very deep gorges and rocky cantilever bridges to attractive Ripchet (2470m). Take time to look around at this perched fertile valley of barley and buckwheat with vivid chortens in the fields backed by pine forest. Descend on steep stairs to the lone bhatti Ghumlong (2130m) on the river, which you passed through six days ago. Climb again through the pristine temperature forest to Lokpa (2240m). Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 14: Lokpa -Dovan 1070m (7-8hrs)

    Our trek continue from Lokpa down the exposed track until the track from Philim comes in from the left. Turn right, cross the Buri Gandaki on a solid bridge goes to Larke-La Pass but we follow the trail what we came before from Philim. Descend down to Sirdibas and we finally reach to Jagat. Further descend takes us to Yaruphant. Continue trekking to Dobhan. Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 15: Dovan -Sotikhola 730m (6-7hrs)

    Walk along the Buri Gandaki river to Tatopani, there is a hot spring at Tatopani. If interested, you may dip yourself in the hot spring and relax your tired muscles by soaking yourself in the hot spring. If not continue walking up and down from Tatopani to reach Khorlabesi, The trail crosses the Tharo Khola flowing in a rocky ravine. Head down again to the river and traverse to Machha Khola village. Walk along the Budhi Gandaki River to reach to Gurung village of Labubesi. Pass the two waterfalls on a steep rocky trail on the side of a cliff. We then reach Khursane. Walk along the ridge above Budhi Gandaki and cross the Sal forests. Finally, cross the bridge to arrive at Soti Khola. Stay overnight at Lodge.

  • Day 16: Soto Khola – Kathmandu via Arughat Bazzar

    Drive back to Kathmandu by private land cruiser along the banks of the Marsyangdi and Trishuli rivers with splendid views of green hills, mountains, farming terraces and villages on both sides of the road and transfer to Hotel. Overnight at hotel in Kathmandu.

  • Day 17:  Departure

    Today , if you have more time you can do some shopping or sightseeing. As per your flight schedule a  representative from our company will take you to the airport approximately 3 hours before the flight..

whats included

  • Accommodation on Twin sharing bed room  at  Kathmandu on BB Basis
    Accommodation at tea house during trekking
    All airport Picks and drop .
    TIMS Card (Trekkers’ Information Management Systems)
    Manaslu Special Restricted Area Permit ( Which required minimum 2 people in the group)
    Tsum Valley Special Restricted Area Permits (Which required minimum 2 people in the group)
    Manaslu Conversation Area Project ( MCAP Permit)’
    Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP Permit)
    All necessary ground transportation (Local Bus ride to Soti Khola, Local Sharing Jeep till Besishahar and Public Bus to Kathmandu) or private Laxurious Vehicles during your whole trip as per the choice of budget
    Entrance fees
    Tasty and hygienic organic Farewell dinner at the end of the trek in Kathmandu
    Full Board meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) during the trek
    An experienced Government licensed holder  Trekking Guide,his wages ,food and insurance
    Medical first aid kit box ( which is carried by your team)
    Full day Kathamandu Sightseeing
    1 Duffel Bag
    Sleeping Bag and down jacket on retun basis if require
    All government tax ,vat and service charge

whats Excluded

  • Insurance of any kind such as travel insurance,Resuce evucation and medication
    International flight tickets
    Porter to carry a Luggages
    Nepal entry visa fees
    Any kind of drinks (tea, coffee, water, hot water, etc) and of bar bills (alcoholic beverages)
    Hot shower, WIFI, any electronic battery charges during trekking
    Tips and gratitude to your guides, porters, and drivers
    Extra night accommodation or meals in Kathmandu because of early arrival, late departure and early return from trekking
    Cost extra than mentioned in the itinerary .

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